GP College Tour: Emory in Atlanta, Georgia

GP College Tour: Emory in Atlanta, Georgia

This summer we have been touring colleges as a family. GP is a rising senior, and this next year is her last days as a high schooler. Next Fall, she’ll be headed off to college!

Her main selection criteria are the maximum possible distance away from Knoxville and the highest tuition cost possible that we can not afford! OK, maybe I exaggerate.

I must say that the cost of attending college has changed significantly since Lisa and I attended back in the last century. Gone are the days when you could hold a job while in school to pay as you go. That scenario is no longer an option.

Even if we can’t afford some of these colleges, we have had a blast of “window” shopping as we gallivant around the country to tour campuses. A few weeks ago, we toured Duke, which led to the blog post on “Land Acknowledgments.”

Lisa and Grace during our tour of Duke University with the iconic campus chapel in the background.

While the Duke tour was pretty good, our most recent tour at Emory University in Atlanta has been the best–at least for tour quality. No land acknowledgments on this tour.

Lisa and GP at Emory Statue

Lisa and Grace admired the Dooley statue on Emory’s Atlanta campus.

Grace has some figuring to do as she narrows her college choices down. It’s definitely a different process than when Lisa and I were in college.

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